God calls us in the name of Jesus Christ to mutual love and service. We seek to love and serve one another through the ministries of Christian Education and pastoral care and special gatherings for fellowship and prayer.
First Presbyterian has a strong ministry of nurture. We provide:
Visitation Ministry
We provide support to our members who are hospitalized, experiencing health issues, in need of encouragement, or who are homebound or are in nursing home care through visits, meals, rides, calls and cards. Each of our homebound nursing home members are paired with a member of our Pastoral Care group for regular visits and communion.
Prayer Chain
We have a group of members who are committed to support you through intercessory prayer. Contact Brittany Jackson at 301-777-3700 to make a request.
Longest Night Service (just before Christmas)
Recognizing that the Advent and Christmas season are hard for those who are sad, grieving or lonely, we offer a meditative prayer service that makes time for remembering, for sharing our hurting places with God, and for preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ. Join us in the Sanctuary for a service of prayer, reflective music and candle lighting as we claim the good news of our faith this season, for ourselves and for those who cannot:The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
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